Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Limbang town - the former "Sin City" of Borneo

THE sleepy hamlet of Limbang, tucked between the northernmost part of Sara-wak and Brunei, was once Borneo's "Sin City".

During the timber boom from the 1970s to 1990s, Limbang was notorious for drugs, gambling, prostitution and alcohol.

Now, timber has given way to oil palm plantations.

Income from small- and me-dium-scale enterprises form a major source of income for Limbang residents.

For decades, Brunei citizens endured a two-hour drive to Limbang and nearby Lawas for cheap shopping and entertainment during weekends.

In the outskirts of Limbang and the division of the same name, cash crops such as rice are the major source of income for rural folk.

Many Iban residents live in the town, while Bisaya and Lun Bawang tribes live on the outskirts.

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