Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Danum Valley Borneo - The Sabah Natural Jewel

If you are in Sabah and is looking for to enjoy nature in all its glorious wonder, the Danum Valley Conservation Area is the right place for you to be in. Danum Valley Boneo near Lahad Datu Sabah is one of the world’s richest conservation area filled with a rich variety of animal and plant life. This wondrous natural beauty is sure to enchant and captivate you.

Danum Valley Borneo is located 44 miles west of Lahad Datu Sabah. This 438 square kilometres virgin forest is a treasure trove of detailed ecosystem comprising of exotic animal and plant life. You can see hundreds of tree species and several endangered animal species thriving in this vast unsullied and remote tropical lowland forest.

Danum Valley near Lahad Datu is virtually undisturbed by human activities. There was no recorded logging or hunting ever occurring in Danum Valley Borneo even before it became a natural conservation area. This serves to enhance Danum Valley’s uniqueness.

You must be wondering on what you can do in Danum Valley. Even though Danum Valley is primarily a conservation area, nature lovers flock to this majestic lush tropical forest area for a quiet retreat away from human activities. You could start by taking a walk in a specially marked 50 km visitors trail and explore the beauty of Danum Valley to your heart’s content. Do take note that you are strongly advised to walk this trail with a guide. You wouldn’t want to end up being lost in this vast wilderness, would you?

You’d better believe that there are priceless sights and sounds that you will discover in Danum Valley in Sabah. Explore the Rhino Pool and you might have the good fortune to encounter the endangered Sumatran rhinoceros that numbers amongst the unique inhabitants of Danum Valley in Sabah. If you travel the pathway towards Gunung Danum, you will eventually pass through the majestic seven-tiered Sungai Purut Waterfall. Do stop for a while and just simply let the glorious sight overwhelm you.

The indigenous Orang Sungai of Sabah have made a site on Danum Valley, the Burial Cave, as a resting place for their honoured dead where their remains lies undisturbed deep inside this peaceful wonder of nature. The Burial Caves in Danum Valley holds a special place in the folklore of this native Sabah tribe.

Do take the opportunity to discover the mysterious myth and legend of the Danum Valley Burial Caves. You can see ancient ceramic spirit jars and old coffins made out of belian wood in the burial sites. This really attests to the natives’ long held spiritual reverence for Danum Valley.
